The Department of Social Sciences offers Associate in Arts (AA) degrees in the theoretical social sciences of Anthropology, History, International Relations, Political Science, Public Administration, Psychology, Social Work and Sociology.
The Department of Social Sciences has two Associate in Science (AS) degrees. The first is the Social and Human Services degree with a Specialization in Addiction Studies. The second is a Social and Human Services-Generalist degree. In addition, under the umbrella of Social and Human Services we also offer a statewide Certificate in Addiction Studies, especially designed for those persons with Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees but who want expertise in the Addiction field. Students interested in addiction studies that do not have a college degree can take advantage of the College Credit Certificate in Addiction Studies. It prepares you to begin working in the field and can be stacked to the AS degrees in Social and Human Services.
Moreover, the Department of Social Sciences has a Student Life Skills Program (SLS) for those students who need additional support to improve their academic performance.
Academic Programs
Addiction Studies
College Credit Certificate
Associate in Arts
Associate in Arts
Human Services - Addiction Specialization
Associate in Science
Human Services - Generalist
College Credit Certificate
International Relations
Associate in Arts
Political Science
Associate in Arts
Associate in Arts
Name | Position | Phone Number | Room Number | |
Alvaro Gonzalez | Chair, Dept. of Social Sciences | 305-237-3024 | 3506-19 | agonza74@mdc.edu |
Corey Higgs, M.S. Ed. | Assistant to the Chair | 305-237-7661 | 3506-28 | chiggs1@mdc.edu |
Jonathan Herr | Department Clerk | 305-237-3192 | 3506 | jherr@mdc.edu |
Name | Position | Phone Number | Room Number | |
Alejandro Angee, Ph.D. | Associate Professor Senior, Sociology | 305-237-3180 | 3506-3 | aangee@mdc.edu |
Benjamin L. Augustyn, M.A., M.A. | Associate Professor Senior, Anthropology & Sociology | 305-237-3179 | 3506-17 | baugusty@mdc.edu |
Nazira Barry, M.S. | Associate Professor, Psychology | 305-237-3783 | 3506-2 | nbarry@mdc.edu |
Eric Belokon, Ph.D., Psy.D. | Professor, Psychology | 305-237-3185 | 3506-8 | ebelokon@mdc.edu |
Maleka Brown, Ph.D. | Associate Professor Senior, Psychology and Student Life Skills | 305-237-3516 | 3506-15 | MBrown10@mdc.edu |
Maria Gonzalez Llanos, M.A. | Associate Professor, International Relations and Political Science | 305-237-7198 | 3506-16 | mgonza35@mdc.edu |
Samuel Heastie, Ed.D. | Associate Professor Senior, Human Services and Psychology | 305-237-7523 | 3506-1 | sheastie@mdc.edu |
Carmen Lopez, Ph.D. | Professor, History | 305-237-3186 | 3506-7 | clopez2@mdc.edu |
James Rosado, Ph.D. | Professor, Psychology | 305-237-3272 | 3506-9 | jrosado1@mdc.edu |
Judy Lee Salvatierra, Ph.D. | Professor, Psychology | 305-237-3281 | 3506-13 | jsalvat1@mdc.edu |
Jo Anne White, Ed.S. | Assistant Professor, Psychology | 305-237-3723 | 3506-5 | jwhite4@mdc.edu |
Ahmed-Karim Soliman, M.A. | Instructor, History | 305-237-3094 | 3506-14 | asolima1@mdc.edu |
Anastasia Tamali, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor, Political Science | 305-237-3246 | 3506-11 | atamali@mdc.edu |