Map & Directions
Location | Building Name | Departments, Services, and Facilities |
A | Registration and Student Services | Academic Advisement, Access, Admissions & Registration, Bursar, Financial Aid, ICED, International Student Services, New Student Center, School of Advanced Studies, Student Life, Testing Center and TRIO |
B | Faculty and Administration | Campus Administration, Campus President, Campus Services, Community Education and Professional Development, CT&D, Dean of Academics and Student Affairs, Department Chairs, Distance Education, School of Aviation, School of Business, School of Engineering & Technology and Quick Copy Center |
D | Information and Technology | Art Gallery, Audio Visual, Campus Technical Support, Computer Class Rooms, Computer Court Yard, GED, Learning Support Lab, Library, Mailroom, Public Safety, SAIL Lab and VSOL |
F | Aviation Training Complex | Aviation Simulators, Book Store, Café, Conference Room, Event Room, FPL Technology and Video Conferencing Room |
G | Classrooms and Laboratories | Anatomy and Biology Laboratory, Chemistry and Micro Biology Laboratory, Laboratories, Classrooms and Nursing Lab |
H | Central Physical Plant | Art Studio, Plant Maintenance and QEP |
How to Find Your Room

Homestead Campus Parking
Visitor’s Parking
Students and part-time employees are allowed to park in the east parking fenced in lot.
Student and Part-Time Employee Parking
Students and part-time employees can park in the East, West and Flagler Lot, however students and part-time employees are not allowed to park in the arm gated areas inside the east lot or in the area next to the fenced in lot that reads FACULTY/STAFF PARKING.
Faculty & Full-Time Employee Parking
Faculty and Full-Time employees are allowed to park in the arm gated area or the area that reads FACULTY/STAFF PARKING in the East Parking Lot.